Thursday, April 15, 2010

My Life As An Elf Volume 1: The History Of My Parents

Fifty years ago in a large forest in a faraway land a little elf child was born. That little elf child was me. I was a very beautiful child full of wonder and light with bright violet eyes and earthy brown hair. I was born to a Grey Elf named Arbellason meaning noble strength and a forest elf named Galasriniel meaning crowned with laurel.

My father, Arbellason's life had not been a happy story. He had been born to a noble family in their secluded valley. The elves in the valley wished to live very withdrawn lives feeling they were above any that came to their grand lands. My father was very different and desired to learn all he could of every race. He was shunned as a child and harassed as he grew older. No one in his valley understood why he would want to learn about such inferior creatures. He grew tall as the years went by, taller than any other grey elf in the valley, with golden hair and violet eyes. When he reached just thirty years of age he left his valley in search of adventure and out of a desire to meet the different races found around the world. He traveled far and wide learning all he could of many creatures and wrote down his stories that he would read to me years later when I was just a child. During his travels he found himself in the middle of many battles fighting along side men, dwarves, dragons, and other races of elves. He spent 100 years traveling the world until he was weary of his travels and wished to find the comfort of his home. His return was not a happy one. The valley was in turmoil. Evil Men and beasts fought for control of the valley and the number of elves were dwindling. My father fought to save his homeland, but it was a futile fight. Too many had died or given up and he found himself leading what elves were left out of the valley. Their journey was long and hard, but they eventually came across a beautiful forest filled with wood elves. Tattered and weary they sought refuge in the tall trees alongside the native wood elves. Three years passed and the grey elves that had followed my father began to regain their elitist attitude. In the summer of their third year they decided to set out in search of a new secluded valley where they could live on their own again. My father having fallen in love with the forest chose to stay behind. He built his own tree house and lived there comfortably on his own for five years. During the winter of his eighth year among the wood elves a group of elves entered the forest. It was my father's night on watch at the edge of the forest and he noticed them immediately, a fair wood elf leading the way. He hopped gracefully from the tree he had been hiding in, bow drawn facing the young elf. They informed him they were returning home from a ten year journey as ambassadors to a human kingdom. He escorted them through the winding trails to the grand hall to see the royal family and nobles. He soon learned this young elf was the daughter of the royal family, a beautiful girl he would later take as his life partner.

My mother, Galasrinel's life was a very privileged one. She was born into the royal family of the forest she inhabited and was given all she could every want or need. She was sheltered and taught everything the wood elves had known despite the fact that her race was not very intellectual. When she was old enough her father began teaching her how to fight. He taught her every weapon he knew from knives, swords, and daggers to bows and spears. She lived happily in her forest for 40 years before men came. They were from a far off kingdom seeking help from any land that could help. My mother taking pity on them convinced her father and mother to form a small force to set out to aide these new and strange men. The elven warriors set out late one night with my mother leading them despite her father's order for her to stay. It was a long journey. They traveled for three months before reaching the warring land. My mother spent ten years helping to free the kingdom and as an ambassador of her lands. After the ten years had passed and she felt the land would be safe she took the few elves that were left and started on her journey back to her lands. As she entered the forest her small group was encountered by an unknown elf. He was tall and handsome despite the fact he had a bow drawn and pointing at her face. Her and her party followed this strange elf through the forest to her home where she was greeted by her parents and all the nobles. In the months following her reunion she spent more and more time with this strange elf. Two years after their meeting they were joined as life partners and twenty years later she became pregnant with a girl child that they named Elarinya, meaning Morning Star.

Well that is all for now, be sure to come back soon to see the next Volume in My Life As An Elf. *smiles and waves goodbye*

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